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Chrytatywna Choinka




Schronisko Azyl Biała Podlaska

Woof! My name is Duszan. I'm about 14 years old, I'm very energetic and a great pet. I love treats and wet food but have to be careful with my diet due to the skin issues I am treating. I am looking for a caregiver who will meet my physical requirements - I need a lot of exercise and a confident guide. I love people, but when interacting with dogs I can be very dominant. With proper introduction, I can make friends with another dog in the household, preferably a female dog. After all, I live in a pen with a friend. I am a joyful dog who loves petting, cuddling and human companionship. I accept children and usually walk calmly on a leash. I like being active, walking and sometimes even running. I suffer from a skin condition that may manifest itself in my appearance. I am waiting for a home full of love and kindness. Maybe you would like to give me a small gift?

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